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Qualitative VS. Quantitative Research Methods
Quantitative research objectives aim to validate facts, estimates, and relationships. It is structured and involves samples to represent the population. Qualitative research objectives aim to discover new ideas and understand hidden processes. It is open-ended and involves a small sample of individuals. Skills a researcher must have to develop and implement quantitative research is organization, structure, and have a background in data analysis. For qualitative research, a researcher must have strong interpersonal communication and interpretive skills to conduct in-depth interviews needed to gather data.
In-depth Interviews VS. Focus Groups Technique
In-depth interviews are structured and only involve one participant. The interviewer asks the participant a series of semi-structured questions face-to-face. The main research objective for an in-depth interview is to ask good probing questions to get valuable data needed for the research.The advantage of an in-depth focus group is that the interviewer can “probe” for the information they want. Since they are dealing with one participant the interviewer can take the participant’s answers and ask more complex questions that reveal rich information that the researcher can use. The disadvantage of an in-depth interview is that the interviewer needs to have skill in asking probing questions, and they also need interpersonal communication skills in order for the participant to answer their questions truthfully and comfortably.
Focus Groups involve a group of participants, around 8-12. The group is brought together to interact with one another and spontaneously discuss a topic or concept. The main objective of a focus group is to stimulate new ideas and thoughts with the participants to better understand why consumers behave in different ways. The advantage of focus groups is that it is spontaneous and is mainly led by discussion amongst the participants, this way the researcher can identify and interpret their thoughts and perspectives in a more organic way. A disadvantage of a focus group is Groupthink, when a member or two influences other participants to agree with their ideas, essentially “jumping on the bandwagon”.
The Current State of the Qualitative Research Consultants Association. (
After visiting the website, Qualitative research has brought together a community of passionate researchers that interact and share their experiences with each other. Qualitative research itself involves researchers who have very strong interpersonal skills so it makes perfect sense to see a very passionate community like this one come together and sustain a not-for-profit organization. The longevity of this organization is fueled by the members that love sharing their experiences with others.